About RAPPd
Founded in 2018, RAPPd creates stylish and beautiful silk and wool mix scarves and cushions in a variety of textures.
Photographer and Designer Debra Rapp graduated from Goldsmiths College History of Art Master’s programme in London and went on to work in galleries at home and abroad. Her photographic work has been published by Historic England and collected by the Museum of London.
Since its inception, the company’s aim has been to give prominence to images that catch the eye – often reflecting nature – in order to capture a decisive moment and transpose it onto a luxurious garment, all made and produced in the UK.
How we make our scarves
We design and print carefully curated collections onto luxury silk scarves and cushions. The unique quality and appeal of our scarves is in their exquisite materials and finishing, as all our scarves are individually fringed or have hand-rolled edges. We print in three sizes using a complex digital fixing method, and our scarves are made exclusively in the UK.
Whether a mix of pure wool and silk, or 100% silk, our unique pieces are printed in small batches to keep waste down to a minimum. All our scarves begin with a concept we think is worthy of completion, and most have an underlying theme that fits with the collection as a whole.
We capture a series of photographs and begin to edit, adding a final digital touch. Then we develop our state-of-the-art authentic pieces before communicating with our local British manufacturer, and passing on the design. Once it reaches them, they follow a four-step process to create a prototype, which we analyse: ensuring the design and finishing process meets our high luxury standards.
If we are satisfied, then we request a batch and choose only our best models to include in the collection. As a young cutting-edge business, it is the people at the heart of our operation that make us remarkable.
Using photographic imagery in a creative way is at the heart of the RAPPd philosophy and makes universal beauty portable.
“Thank you Debbie for creating the most beautiful photograph of our gorgeous cat Cherub. I love wearing him on my scarf – it’s such a clever idea and the scarf itself is really warm and a lovely quality. I would like some extra scarves as Christmas presents please: a totally unique gift, I am delighted.”
— Karen